The Weekly Woot Wednesday, Woot! Badge has been awarded to the talented Benno2402. Well done, Benno2402. Your rewards are 1000 seeds and a Woot! Badge. Congratulations!
New Unusuals have been released! To find out what you need for every unusual read this post.
The Tinkatolli homepage has been updated and it contains what could be some future updates. There is a raft that has never been seen in-game, a crystal that is most likely part of a quest and there is also an image of a place similar to Stinkatolli with a stone just like the one in Tinkertown Rock! Go have a look!
There are some big updates to Tinkatolli! There is a new level up system and a new currency has been released called Trinkets. Read all about it here!
A modified version of the Graphics Shop is coming to Elite Tinkas! Stay tuned!
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